Cape Schanck, Australia
The Arndt Artbarn, Share your perspectives

4 November 2023 – 9 February 2024

Breathe with Me in Cape Schanck

As with much of Jeppe Hein’s prolific oeuvre, the works within his first solo exhibition in Australia have been conceived with a sincere intent: to spark joy, alter perceptions, open the viewer to new experiences, and create the conditions that foster moments of empathy and fellowship.
With this ambitious presentation Jeppe Hein directs his audiences towards a reevaluation of the limits of art and an openness of experience; not only for and of themselves but also their position in relation to others and the space around them.

Photos by Ashley Ludkin

Breathe with Me in Cape Schanck
Breathe with Me in Cape Schanck
Breathe with Me in Cape Schanck

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